Copyright Policy

If you are convinced that any material or content on our website infringes on your copyright, please send us a DMCA notification by filling out a DMCA form or by sending us an email at For your claim to be valid, you must include the following details (which must be submitted in English):

a physical or electronic signature of the person legally authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyrighted material or content;

a clear description or explanation  of the copyrighted work that you believe has been infringed on;

a description or demarcation of the part where the content or material that you claim is infringing is situated on the Website, sufficient for Nimius LLC to locate such material;

your telephone number, email address, and mailing address;

a statement or declaration by you that you comprehend that under 17 U.S.C § 512(f) you may be liable and responsible for any damages or charges as well as costs and attorneys' fees if you intentionally and substantially misrepresent that reported material, content or activity is infringing;

a statement or declaration by you that you believe that the disputed use is not approved by the copyright owner, the law or its agent; and

a statement or declaration by you that the information and details in your notice are accurate and true and, under penalty of perjury, that you are the owner of the copyright or approved to act on the real copyright owner's behalf.

You can submit your notification through DMCA form to file your claim, and you can also send your claim to us at the following address:

Nimius LLC,

815 S 9th St

Milwaukee, WI 53204


In a situation whereby you receive a DMCA notification and believe that your work, content or material was disabled or removed because of misidentification or by mistake, you can submit a counter-notification to Nimius LLC by emailing us at For your counter-notification to be valid, your email must contain the following details and must be submitted in English:

an electronic or physical signature of the website user;

clear identification or description of the content or material to which access has been disabled or that has been removed or deleted and the location and part of the website at which the material appeared prior its removal or access disabled;

a statement or declaration made under penalty of perjury that the user believe that the material or work was disabled or removed as a result of misidentification of the material or a mistake; and

the user’s name, telephone number, email address, address, and a statement that the user consents to the authority of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which the address is cited.